Welcome to Samples of Grace, Co.! It means so much to me that you're here and I pray that as you come and as you go, you would be encouraged and not leave this page empty-handed or empty-hearted. This company started as an idea back in my eleventh grade digital design class. It's been something I've wanted to start for years and by the Lord's grace it's finally here!

Something God has put on my heart while starting this business is that it will not be just for me and my own benefit that I do this, it will be God-honoring and glorifying to Him. I want this business to be a form of worship for me as well as a way to bless others.

I believe our words hold the power of life or death. That's heavy! This is why every design I release in this little online store will be life-giving and I believe the Word of God is the greatest source of life. Every product is inspired by the Word of God and contains powerful truths that are meant to be seen and worn and shared with the world.

So, thank you again for being here and living this mission with me!

- Elizabeth Grace Samples (Owner and Founder)


My mission doesn't end with making meaningful products. I had the joy of going on a mission trip to Caisan, Panama in July of 2023. This trip and the ministry we supported there - Manos de Fe - were life-changing and helped give me vision for how to live life more purposefully.

"Manos de Fe works to break the cycle of abandoned and mistreated teen girls by providing them a safe and loving home while they transition out of traditional orphan care. The program provides these girls with nourishing meals, continued education, Bible study, vocational training, and internship opportunities. Each young lady is given an individualized development plan unique to her skills, hopes and dreams. The ultimate goal of the program is to cultivate mature, self-sufficient, community leaders who know they are overwhelmingly loved by God."

As a part of this mission, a portion of our profits will be gifted to Manos de Fe, helping support the girls, the staff, and the other outreach efforts they provide to their surrounding community.

Read more about Manos de Fe here!